Old School Makes us Feel Brand New | Debut EP "Em & The Fates" on all digital platforms now!!
"NOT YOUR WOMAN" (https://soundcloud.com/emandthefates/not-your-woman) a. as in, not your possession b. as in, not your definition Co-creators Kate Hopkins and Emily Kron collaborated with the women in this video because they experience their gender identity in distinct ways -- transgendered, gender queer and cisgendered, respectively.
PREY by Em & The Fates - Direction by Emily Kron ~ Cinematography by April Maxey ~ Edited by Le'Andra LeSeur ~ Featuring: Emily Kron, Catherine McCarthy, Casey Donahue Director's Note & Treatment: As a woman, I have felt like prey my whole life. I'm used to it.
Directed by Emily Kron ~ Cinematography by Raviv Ullman https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/beautiful-life/id1241455099?i=1241455100 This song is about the celebration of life and love. It's about lifting one another up and carrying each other through difficult times. More importantly, it's a song about connectedness, a reminder that we are all one.